Why should you never overlook the final sanding?

To bring out the true beauty of any wood species, professional sanding is essential. The last sanding applied to solid or veneered wood surfaces is the most crucial step in the process as it reveals the wood's expressive color, pronounced color contrasts, and stunning veins. While the first coarse sanding steps correct the surface, flatten it, and allow for better absorption of finishing products, neglecting the final sanding can result in defects left by coarser sandings.

Skipping sanding grits should be avoided at all costs. While jumping from 80 to 120 grit may save some time initially, it can delay the project if defects are discovered at the finishing stage. Taking the time to achieve perfect sanding is crucial; otherwise, applying coloring and transparent products, which are the final touch to your project, may lead to discouragement.

Remember that all wood species have their unique beauty that can be revealed through proper sanding techniques. Make sure to prioritize the final sanding step to achieve the desired results and avoid any potential setbacks. For further information about sanding hardwood floors, you can read our article on this topic.

Last updated on August 31, 2023


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